Oh my god. This is incredible, people. Pull up a chair, you're gonna be here a while.
OK, so you know how occasionally I like to post things that you can get for free on the internet, whether it's free samples of something or like a free trinket or whatnot?
WELL! There is a new site called Absurdly Cool Freebie Finder that is a compendium of all that is free on the internet!!
And we're not talking those scams for the Free-Ipod-after-you-get-100-people-to-click-on-a-link kinda crap, we're talking about stuff like free coffee, free dishwashing soap, and a free jump rope!
Hell, you can even get free shampoo that smells like chocolate milk! I have no idea what the hell the idea is there, but who cares? It's free! FREE, I TELL YOU! WILDLY, MADLY, INSANELY FREE! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
All right. I'm going to nap.
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