Self-editing is overrated. Or is it?

Thursday, March 08, 2007

If I gotta watch it, then you gotta watch it.

I'm starting work on "Troilus And Cressida" at Chicago Shakespeare this week, and I've been told that seeing the new movie "The 300" would be helpful in researching the time period. It should be said, however, that the New York Times sums it up as "Much butchery, some lechery."

BUT! The damn thing is sold out! We tried to see it at the IMAX last night, and every single show was completely sold.

So here's the first 5 minutes of the movie to watch until I can get in to see the whole thing. Enjoy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the review in the NY Times of this movie. It's kinda funny.

3/10/2007 9:32 PM


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